A Woman’s Journey Through The Life Cycle


Focus on women only. This training is geared towards any woman going through a change in her Life Cycle. As women we experience change from birth to death and we are not always aware of the changes or prepared for it. The impact can be positive but many times can create stress, confusion, relationship issues etc. You might even experience loss of identity, rejection, isolation and mental illness. You may not have been taught how to navigate these changes. This model is a socio-ecological, psychological and systemic model based on many years experience of working with women. It looks at the changes in a woman's life for example, relationships, career, pregnancy, bereavement,divorce , retirement, moving home, etc. Change along this continuum does not only affect the individual but can affect our relationships, in both personal and professional lives. This model helps you to identify where you are in your life right now and how to navigate these changes.

Hazel Hyslop